Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Almost over the hump

Our international tasting evening is over, the science fair is Thursday and most projects are ready to go.  I totally adore my student teacher, she is wonderful!  Testing is underway and going well.  I have half a dozen baby sweaters to sew buttons on, quite a few chunky cowls, (12-15) and looking for my next project(s).  A while ago I bought some felt play food and then made some saltines, cookies and fried eggs.  I will have to take some pictures one of these days.  Maybe I'll sit and sew some more food.  Speaking of food, my folks were here a couple weekends ago and we fixed tuna steaks.  Now I should have taken a picture of that!  It was delicious.  We fixed it rare and medium well and it was good both ways.  I made scalloped potatoes to go with.  I bought a mandoline (?) a few years ago and the potatoes slice so uniformly and thin and fast, so they don't have time to discolor while you prepare them.  Off to bed, it's past my bedtime!


  1. Oooooh man, I would have loved to have seen pictures from EVERYTHING !!! The international tasting, you and your student teacher, the felted play food, the tuna steaks, and potatoes ! You need to keep your camera at hand at all times if missy !!!!!

    How DID the international tasting go ?? ! And what do you enjoy so much about your student teacher. I would love to hear what role she plays in your work life and the sort of things you work on together. I am curious how you made saltines??? That wounds quite interesting ! I have never had tuna steaks before and would enjoy them well done, but I know most people like them rare and medium ! I bet grandma and gramps loveeeed that meal !!!! We too have a mandoline for slicing potatoes, cucumbers, etc and we really love it !!! We mostly use ours for cucumber salad though ! I can't wait to see PICTURES next time !!! If you feel weird about taking pictures, just tell everyone that you have a highly popular and blog with a demand for pictures !!! Enjoy your rest !

  2. Our evening at school was a success. We had lots of good food from around the world. What we didn't get from parents, we bought at Costco. My student teacher and I are 20 years apart, but we're soul sisters!! Does that sound funny? We just click, she thinks I'm great, I think she's great. We're not alike, but we see eye-to-eye. I will take a picture of the felt food I made so far. I saw some on Etsy and fell in love. If I was starting over with kids, that's all they'd have. The saltines are just squares of off-white felt, barely stuffed, blanket-stitched edges, with brown french knots spaced randomly in the middle. Pictures coming soon, I experimented today and posted 1. Have a good week.
