Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break 2012

The end of a wonderful week is drawing nigh.   I used half of my days to go visiting.  I stopped Friday night in Black River Fall and stayed overnight.  Ramie was the only one home at Eric's and she had marinated steaks for us and fixed a couple salads.  Then we watched "The Help", which I had read but not seen.  Saturday morning I headed for Cambridge and stayed until Tuesday.  While there, Heidi had us over to have a latte from the machine they had recently got.  Well I should have known with her baking prowess that there would be a dessert to go along with it.  Here's a picture I got from the internet.
I don't know why I didn't take a picture of the real one, but this gives you a good idea.  I have looked at these recipes and wanted to give them a try, so now I may sometime.  Of course it was delicious!  Thursday I went to lunch with my niece Jessica and then Hans and I went to "The Hunger Games".  It was really good, but so hard to get all the book in a 2 hour movie.  These next 2 days are unhurried cleaning, laundry, sorting through a closet or 2 and some cooking.  80 degrees tomorrow, so I may poke around the gardens and see what's coming up and start my lists.  Truly, spring is my favorite season.

Friday, March 16, 2012


Last Sunday I attended my first Nascar race.  If I had to describe it to you, the first word would be LOUD.  So happy we thought of bringing ear plugs.  I couldn't have sat there without them.  Next word, LOUD!.  Oops, said that already, so maybe it would be DIRTY.  So much invisible dust from tires in the air.  Whenever we applied some more sunscreen, we had streaks of dirt on our skin.  Even my fingernails were dirty.
A lot of people love Nascar though.  I really think I prefer it on TV IF I watch it.  You can't hear a thing.  Not even the person next to you.  So even though you see all these people, it's a very isolated "sport".  At least at a basketball or football game you can engage in conversation.
Also the cars go a lot faster than it seems on TV.  The aqua car in about 8th position is Matt Kenseth from my hometown.   Our 2 kids in Vegas and their significant others came with to enjoy the day.  We parked a few hours before race time and had some fun tailgating.

So I don't really get this "planking" but it was the object of quite a few pics.  We had great weather and soaked in the kids' spool(spa/pool)daily.  Except for a flight delay on our way home, we had fun!