Thursday, July 4, 2013

July 4, 2013

So now I have already missed a day in my quest to post every day in July!  Classic. I was thinking yesterday that I would write about the near perfect weather we've had this past week.  The next few days look wonderful too, maybe some humidity creeping in this weekend.

We have a basswood growing in our front yard.  A few years ago we cut down an ash to make room for the basswood to grow properly, since they were really planted too close together.  A basswood is a very messy tree.  Any slight wind and the yard is full of sticks and twigs.  Squirrels drop endless bunches of leaves when they build nests.  The tree is fully seeded out and soon pale green slender leaves will drift to the ground attached to a seed that right now is flowering.  What a heavenly scent those flowers have.  Who would know that in a few days we will be cursing the tree for the unsightly mess the front yard will be for the rest of summer.  They take their own sweet time detaching from the tree and within minutes of mowing and picking them all up, the lawn is again littered.   Such is life.

1 comment:

  1. Two days ago a basswood fell unexpectedly and killed a woman my age out for a walk with her dog. This morning we had a heavy rain and I was out picking up sticks on the yard. I stopped and looked up into the tree and wondered if it would ever turn on me. It was an eerie feeling.
