Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break 2012

The end of a wonderful week is drawing nigh.   I used half of my days to go visiting.  I stopped Friday night in Black River Fall and stayed overnight.  Ramie was the only one home at Eric's and she had marinated steaks for us and fixed a couple salads.  Then we watched "The Help", which I had read but not seen.  Saturday morning I headed for Cambridge and stayed until Tuesday.  While there, Heidi had us over to have a latte from the machine they had recently got.  Well I should have known with her baking prowess that there would be a dessert to go along with it.  Here's a picture I got from the internet.
I don't know why I didn't take a picture of the real one, but this gives you a good idea.  I have looked at these recipes and wanted to give them a try, so now I may sometime.  Of course it was delicious!  Thursday I went to lunch with my niece Jessica and then Hans and I went to "The Hunger Games".  It was really good, but so hard to get all the book in a 2 hour movie.  These next 2 days are unhurried cleaning, laundry, sorting through a closet or 2 and some cooking.  80 degrees tomorrow, so I may poke around the gardens and see what's coming up and start my lists.  Truly, spring is my favorite season.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Spring Break! I'm poking around in my garden too, a little warmer here tho :-)
