Friday, September 2, 2011


Bittersweet is one of my most favorite plants in the fall.  If I can get my hands on any, I like to have a few sprigs here and there.  I think I've read where it's pretty invasive once it gets established.

Bittersweet is also an adjective and that's how I often feel this time of year.  I've spent 4 days at school at workshops and planning and looking ahead can seem so overwhelming.  This year I am working with a new colleague whom I like very much, but I am missing my old colleague, Megan.  Thankfully she got a job in the district at another school.  I am now the K-1 ESL and Anne is 2-6.  Anne came from the junior high and I didn't think it was fair or nice to put her at the primary, so I switched up my job description too.

I will get in the swing of things within a few weeks, but it does take awhile.  It's also prime Farm Market time and these lovely bouquets are always reasonable and the lilies in it smell heavenly.
I've made a few pickles, but it's been years since I made these simple refrigerator pickles.  I'm hoping to find some more burpless cukes tomorrow to make a couple more jars.  We eat them FAST!

Of course the highlight of the end of the summer for me is our family get-together at Sugar Creek.  I love this place and it would not be summer if I didn't get to spend some time there.  This year instead of brownies, I made chocolate chip biscotti.  I also haven't made these in a long time, but here are the pics to prove I baked them!  (Because they didn't last long!)

Bob and I invited his mother to come this year, since none of our children were able to make it.  I think she had a good time.  The pool was a popular spot and the weather was perfect.  I included a picture of little Riley.  What a sweet little guy he is.  When HHG reads this post, I got a phone call from Arlene and she loved your granola and would like the recipe.  She shared it with a couple friends and they all agreed it was GOOD! 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, bittersweet is nice in a vase this Fall time of year. And I do like and am enjoying this fall time of year with such pleasant day time temps and perfect sleeping weather.
    The pickles and biscotti were pretty tasty! I did enjoy them both!!
    I am glad to hear Arlene enjoyed the granola!
