Friday, April 15, 2011

Theater Week

Last Friday I went to the History Theater in St. Paul for my SEED class to see "As American as Curry Pie".  A one woman show performed by the writer herself.  Really good, but I was really tired.  Betsy and I went to "The Wizard of Oz" at the Burnsville High School last night.  Really good, but too long.  I guess when you know the ending, the last scenes can drag.  But excellent play, probably just tired again.  (Is there a theme here?)  Sunday we are going to Augsburg to see Marit in "Anything Goes". 

Over Spring Break I walked into TJMaxx and saw this big green dragonfly and had to have it for the house.  It's a good spring/summer decoration after all the wreaths and miscellaneous winter decor.  Now if we could only get the weather to act springy.  (Snowing as I write this :( not happy)

1 comment:

  1. Goodness !!! It sure looks like you are seeing a lot of musicals/plays this weekend !! How LOVELY !!! I always love to going to see them. I too, always find myself to be very tired during them though !!! I think it's because they are usually shown so darn late in the evenings and I get sleepy quite easily ! I bet seeing Marit in Anything Goes was really neat. I really love that musical and am curious what part she played and how it turned out !

    TJMAXX is such a fun store to browse around. I wish we had a store similiar to it here !!! I love the dragonfly decoration :) It's a great one for this time of year and will last for years to come !! And snow right now. Oh my goodness, EW !!!!! I'll send some sun your way :)
