Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today my colleague and I had a presentation at our staff meeting.  I have a student teacher with 3 formal observations I must do soon.  My colleague and I received a grant for an event we are holding next Tuesday night, (planning and shopping), about 12 students of mine need major help on their science project,(science fair in 2 weeks), and TEAE/SOLOM testing is in 2 weeks for my ELL's.  Seriously I am usually not this busy, but yesterday I packed all my notes, journal, and books for my class after school and left it on my desk chair and this morning I let the dog out as I do every morning at 5:30 and promptly forgot all about him until I left the house at 6:30 and he rushed past me from outside the front door to eat from his bowl downstairs.  I felt so bad....1 month until spring break and the rest of the year is a breeze! 


  1. WHOA !!! You sound super busy !!!!! I hope you are coping well with it and taking some time for yourself to relax a bit ! I laughed out loud when I read about your dog being forgotten. I had a really good image of him in my head darting past you into the house.

    And yayyyy for spring !!! :) I am excited for things to slow down for you soon.

  2. Oh, and as far as the Klöße goes, it is similiar to Norwegian Klub in a way. It is actually usually stuffed with buttered and oven toasted toast and the Klöße itself is very sticky...but oh my goodness, INCREDIBLY YUMMY! I would love for you to try it some time !
