Thursday, February 24, 2011


Today my colleague and I had a presentation at our staff meeting.  I have a student teacher with 3 formal observations I must do soon.  My colleague and I received a grant for an event we are holding next Tuesday night, (planning and shopping), about 12 students of mine need major help on their science project,(science fair in 2 weeks), and TEAE/SOLOM testing is in 2 weeks for my ELL's.  Seriously I am usually not this busy, but yesterday I packed all my notes, journal, and books for my class after school and left it on my desk chair and this morning I let the dog out as I do every morning at 5:30 and promptly forgot all about him until I left the house at 6:30 and he rushed past me from outside the front door to eat from his bowl downstairs.  I felt so bad....1 month until spring break and the rest of the year is a breeze! 

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Spring Fever

Today while basking in the sun, I realized why I don't mind winter at all.  A day like today could never bring so much joy if I didn't know the meaning of a deep freeze.  The roof is almost mimicking a drum beat with the steady drip, drip, drip.  The dog is having the time of his life bounding through the sugary snowy drifts.  It reminds me that I want to find a few spouts for the maple and box elders in our yard.  Our custodian at school taps his trees and boils down the sap for syrup.  He assured me that even with a half dozen trees I could get a nice amount of maple syrup.  I'd better check around before it's "sugaring" time!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Learning Curve

OK, I've spent a little time experimenting with different layouts, but I can only find pre-made ones and my sister and nieces have such original looking backgrounds.  I'll keep checking on it, but later.  I kind of like this pink stripe for February anyways.  Well on the topic of food, I have really been giving thought to what I eat.  There was a really interesting article in the editorial section last week on the subject of meat, and eating less or not any at all.  Tonight I bought several kinds of rice, dried beans, sweet potatoes and a bunch of fruit.  I did buy some chicken because I'm making tortilla soup for the Super Bowl.  Go Packers!!  On the subject of knitting, last night I started another baby sweater while I anxiously await a gorgeous headwrap pattern from my niece.  When I get that, the sweater gets stashed and I'll immediately try one of those.  Well I'm off with my neighbor to the local watering hole!  Our husbands left yesterday to ice-fish in Lake of the Woods, and we are going to get a bite to eat and a drink or 2.  When I get back, the black beans are getting a rinse and an overnight soak.